Ceremony Year (2016)

Movies Came Out In (2015)


Spotlight – Great movie.  Great acting. Really loved this film.

The Big Short – Great movie.  Great acting.  Could watch this one a few times.

Bridge of Spies – I liked it.  Didn’t love it.  Worth watching, but not the greatest enthralling story/plot.

Brooklyn – I liked it.  Knew nothing about it, or even heard of it before this endeavor.  It was a good story, not overly exciting or anything, but it kept my interest.

Mad Max: Fury Road – After everyone saying how much they loved it, I was excited.  My excitement was soon exterminated, because I hated this movie.  It took me several attempts to get through it because I thought it was just so stupid (and hard to understand the dialogue).

The Martian – I loved this movie.  I will probably end up watching this 60+ times before I die.  I get lost in the fact that it’s not a true story.  It’s humorous, dramatic, entertaining, etc…

The Revenant – I liked it.  Didn’t think it was as great as some others thought, but totally watchable.  Could have been a little shorter and still gotten the story across.

Room – Knew nothing about this, when I started watching, but I was pleasantly surprised.  A bit depressing, but some really good acting and tension.

Brian’s Winner:

The Martian.  I know it’s never the type of movie that wins, but I don’t really have a problem with Spotlight winning.  Pretty decent selection of nominees for this year.



Ceremony Year (2016) – Movies Came Out In (2015)