Ceremony Year (1949)

Movies Came Out In (1948)


Hamlet – Goodness this film is tough to get thru.  I hated having to read the play in high school, and some 30+ years later, the film isn’t much better.  I couldn’t even imagine it being 1948 and having to sit in a theater for almost 3 hours and watch this.  The language/speech is so arcane at this point, I find it hard to believe anyone truly enjoys/likes it.  If you decide to watch this film, be sure to either read the play, or Cliffs notes, or Wikipedia plot, so you’ll have an understanding of what’s going on.

Johnny Belinda – Just watched recently, and it’s a pretty decent film.  A new doctor comes to a small town in Canada and helps a deaf-mute young lady learn to communicate, the young lady is raped by a townsman, has the baby, the doctor is thought to be the father, and trouble ensues.  The young lady is played by Jane Wyman (Ronald Reagan’s first wife) and delivers a strong performance.  I would recommend watching the movie if you ever get the chance.

The Red Shoes – Just watched recently and thought it was a pretty decent film.  It’s a love story between a ballet dancer and a young music composer, with a bit of jealously thrown in by an aging company impresario.  I could have done without the extended ballet scenes (not really my thing), but all in all the movie moved along at a pretty decent pace and was very entertaining.

The Snake Pit – I just watched recently and thought this was a pretty good film.  It details the struggles of a woman committed to an insane asylum and her struggles to cope with reality, prior to going in and while in the “snake pit”.  The acting is well done, the story is compelling, and it held my attention very well.

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre – I think Humphrey Bogart literally plays the same acting style/role in every film I’ve seen him in thus far (Casablanca, Maltese Falcon, African Queen): the tough guy talker that really isn’t that tough in reality.  This movie was pretty good.  Moved along well, some parts were super cheesy, but overall I liked it.

Brian’s Winner:

Anything but Hamlet!  I think I liked Johnny Belinda the best of the bunch.



Ceremony Year (1949) – Movies Came Out In (1948)